Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Switch Management Commands 1916
Parameter Description
source-url The location URL or or reserved keyword of the source file being
copied. (Range: 1-160 characters.)
List of valid source parameters for uploading from the switch:
backup-config Uploads Backup Config file.
active|backup Uploads code file.
log-files Uploads the system logs.
operational-log Uploads Operational Log file.
running-config Uploads system config file.
script <filename> Uploads Configuration Script file.
startup-config Uploads Startup Config file.
startup-log Uploads Startup Log file.
application filename Uploads a PYTHON application.
core-dump filename Uploads a Core Dump file.
crashlog [crashlog# |
kernel crashlog# | data
crashlog#] [unit unit#]
A crash log file on the stack master or a
stack member.
Valid source URLs for downloading to the switch:
tftp://{ipaddress | hostname}/filepath/filename
scp://{user@ipaddresss | hostname}/filepath/filename
sftp://{user@ipaddress | hostname}/filepath/filename
ftp://{user@ipaddress | hostname}/filepath/filename