Users Guide

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Switch Management Commands 2219
User Guidelines
This command is available from the Unit prompt on a member unit serial
port. The user need not be currently connected over the serial port to connect
to another unit.
The stack member being connected to must be up and running and
connected as part of the stack. This command connects the the serial console
from the target stack member to the local unit. There is only one console
session allowed per stack. The remote console session is not restarted and the
privilege level is not changed as a result of being connected to the local unit.
All security mechanisms applicable to the serial port remain in place.
Example 1:
To connect to a remote stack member from master.
Stack-Master#connect 2
Remote session started. Type "exit" to exit the session.
(Unit 2 - CLI unavailable - please connect to master on Unit 1)>
Example 2:
To connect to the stack master (unit 1, below) over a stack member serial
(Unit 2 - CLI unavailable - please connect to master on Unit 1)>connect 1
cut-through mode
Use the cut-through mode command to enable the cut-through mode on the
switch. The mode takes effect on all ports on next reload of the switch. To
disable the cut-through mode on the switch, use the no form of this
cut-through mode