Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Layer 2 Switching Commands 408
show interfaces counters [errors] [gigabitethernet unit/slot/port |
channel port-channel-number
| tengigabitethernet unit/slot/port |
fortygigabitethernet unit/slot/port]
errors—Show the error counts (frame discards and reasons) in the in and
out direction.
gigabitethernet—Shows the traffic for the specified Gigabit Ethernet port.
port-channel—Shows the traffic for the specified port channel port.
tengigabitethernet—Shows the traffic for the specified 10-Gigabit
Ethernet port.
fortygigabitethernet—Shows the traffic for the specified 40-Gigabit
Ethernet port.
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
User Exec mode, Global Configuration mode and all Configuration
User Guidelines
The following table describes the fields shown in the display:
Field Description
InOctets Counted received octets.
InUcastPkts Counted received unicast packets.
InMcastPkts Counted received multicast packets.
InBcastPkts Counted received broadcast packets.
OutOctets Counted transmitted octets.
OutUcastPkts Counted transmitted unicast packets.
OutMcastPkts Counted transmitted multicast packets.
OutBcastPkts Counted transmitted broadcast packets.