Users Guide

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Layer 2 Switching Commands 685
Use the
commands to mark traffic with a color
other than default green color.
The drop probability scale supports values in the range 0-10% and the discrete
values 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Other values are truncated to the next lower
value by the hardware.
N1500 Series Switches
N1500 Series switches support a simple RED capability. The N1500 Series
switch does not support configuration of the maximum threshold nor can the
threshold or drop probability be configured for non-TCP traffic. Only the
minimum threshold (min-thresh) and drop probability (drop-prob-scale) may
be configured for the TCP colors green/yellow/red. The maximum threshold
may not be configured nor can the threshold or drop probability be
configured for non-TCP traffic. ECN capability is supported.
Simple RED may be enabled/disabled for any CoS queue on the Dell EMC
Networking N1500 Series switches, however, the drop probability must be one
of the values given below. The percentage before the dash indicates the actual
drop probability. The number after the dash indicates the value entered in the
drop-prob-scale parameter.
0.097% - 1
0.195% - 2
0.391% - 4
0.781% - 8
1.563% - 16
3.125% - 31
6.250% - 63
100% - 100
Example 1
This example enables WRED on internal CoS 0 queue for unmarked packets
and set the green, yellow, and red colored traffic to utilize WRED starting at
3% of port congestion with a drop probability of 1%, 2% and 3%, respectively.
In this configuration, non-TCP traffic uses tail-drop queue discipline with a