Users Guide

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1504 Class-of-Service
Configuring Interface Queue Drop Probability
Use the following commands to configure characteristics of the drop
probability and view related settings. The drop probability supports
configuration in the range of 0 to 10%, and the discrete values 25%, 50%, and
75%. Values not listed are truncated to the next lower value in hardware.
Not all switches support all colors (or non-TCP thresholds) or thresholds.
Drop probability settings also vary among the switch families. The ecn
parameter is not supported on the N1500 Series switches. Refer to the CLI
Reference Guide for further details.
CLI Command Description
configure Enter Global Configuration mode.
interface interface Enter Interface Configuration mode, where
interface is replaced by gigabitethernet
unit/slot/port, tengigabitethernet unit/slot/port, or
port-channel port-channel number.
random-detect queue-parms
queue-id [queue-id...] min-
thresh min1 min2 min3 min4
max-thresh max1 max2 max3
max4 drop-prob-scale prob1
prob2 prob3 prob4 [ecn]
Configure the maximum and minimum thresholds
for one or more queue IDs on a WRED-enabled
interface queue.
This command can also be used in Global
Configuration mode to configure the same
parameters for one or more queues on all interfaces.
exit Exit to Global Config mode.
exit Exit to Privilege Exec mode.
show interfaces random-detect Display WRED parameters for an interface or all