Users Guide

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OpenFlow 1647
The queue configuration reply message of type ofp_queue_get_config_reply
includes an array of ofp_packet_queue structures. For each interface, the
queues are numbered 0 to 7, with queue 7 representing the highest priority
The port queues do not have any queue properties.
The OpenFlow Controller requests queue statistics using the
Networking OpenFlow Hybrid reports the tx_bytes, tx_packets, and tx_errors
statistics for each queue.
Deploy OpenFlow Controller Flows
This section describes OpenFlow flow management within Dell EMC
Networking OpenFlow Hybrid enabled switches.
Dell EMC Networking OpenFlow Hybrid Flow Database Organization and
Dell EMC Networking OpenFlow Hybrid supports multiple hardware flow
tables, allowing the OpenFlow controller to specify into which table the flow
should be added.
In some cases, the flows added by the OpenFlow Controller cannot be
installed in the hardware even though the hardware has space available in its
flow table. For example, this can happen if an interface specified in the flow
match criteria has not been created yet in the driver. Similarly, the flows can
be removed from the hardware when interfaces specified in the match criteria
are removed. For example, in a modular system, a port card may be
unplugged, causing the interfaces to go away.
When the OpenFlow protocol adds a flow to the Dell EMC Networking
OpenFlow Hybrid flow database, the flow is not immediately added to the
hardware. The flow additions to the hardware are done by a separate task.
Therefore, the OpenFlow Controller can add multiple flows very quickly
without blocking, while waiting for flows to be added to the hardware.
Similarly, when the OpenFlow protocol removes flows from the Dell EMC
Networking OpenFlow Hybrid flow database, the flows are marked for
deletion, but are removed from the hardware by a separate task. This enables
the OpenFlow controller to not block while waiting for flows to be removed
from the hardware.