Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting 349
accept the terms of use. The network administrator can also configure the CP
feature to redirect the user to another web page after successful
authentication, for example a company home page.
CP is supported in IPv4 networks only.
Figure 9-13. Connecting to the Captive Portal
The CP feature blocks hosts connected to the switch from most network
access until user verification has been established. Access to 802.1X, DHCP,
ARP, NetBIOS, and DNS services is allowed. The network administrator can
configure CP verification to allow access for both guest and authenticated
users. Authenticated users must be validated against a database of authorized
CP users before access is granted. The database can be stored locally on the
switch or on a RADIUS server.
Default Captive Portal Welcome Screen (Displays in Captive Portal User’s Browser)
Switch with Captive Portal
Portal User
DNS Server
DHCP Server