Users Guide

Layer 2 Switching Commands 757
police-two-rate datarate burstsize peak-data-rate excess-burstsize conform-
action action exceed-action action violate-action action
datarate — Data rate in kilobits per second (Kbps). (Range: 1–
burstsize — Burst size in Kbytes (Range: 1–128)
peak-data-rate— Peak data rate in kilobits per second (Kbps). (Range 1-
excess-burstsize — Excess burst size in kilobits per seconds (Kbps). (Range
action— The action to take according to the color. Select one of:
drop— Drop the packet.
set-prec-transmit ip-prec— Remark the IP precedence in the packet to
ip-prec and transmit. (Range 0-7)
set-dscp-transmit dscp-val— Remark the DSCP in the packet to dscp-
val and transmit. (Range 0-63)
set-cos-transmit 802.1p-priority— Remark the 802.1p priority in the
packet to 802.1p-priority and transmit. (Range 0-7)
transmit— Transmit the packet unmodified.
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Policy-Class-Map Configuration mode
User Guidelines
A trTCM meters a traffic stream and colors packets according to four
Committed Information Rate (CIR)
Committed Burst Size (CBS)
Peak Information Rate (PIR)