Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Security Commands 1100
30–Called Station ID—MAC address of device (in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format).
31–Calling-Station ID—Switch MAC address.
61–NAS-Port-Type (Ethernet 15).
The Calling Station ID is formatted per the attribute 31 command.
The User-Name attribute is formatted per the attribute 1 command.
The Access-Request attribute is formatted for PAP authentication.
Command History
Command introduced in version 6.5 firmware.
mab request format attribute 1
Use the mab request format attribute 1 command to configure the format of
the MAC address sent in the User-Name attribute. Use the no form of the
command to return the configuration to the default.
mab request format attribute 1 groupsize {1 | 2 | 4 | 12} separator {- | : | .}
[lowercase | uppercase]
no mab request format attribute 1
groupsize—The number of digits in a group.
separator—The separator between groups of digits.
uppercase—Use uppercase formatting for the digits.
lowercase—Use lowercase formatting for the digits.
Default Configuration
The default format is a group size of 2, a colon separator and upper case
characters, for example,18:DB:F2:25:B2:D4.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode