CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Security Commands 1170
logging in must enter the correct password within that count. Otherwise, that
user is locked out form further remote switch access. Only an administrator
with read/write access can reactivate that user. The user lockout feature is
disabled by default. The user lockout feature applies to all users on all ports.
The administrator can access the serial port even if he/she is locked out and
reset the password or clear the config to regain control of the switch. This
ensures that if a hacker tries to log in as admin and causes the account to be
locked out, then the administrator with physical access to the switch can still
log in and reactivate the admin account.
Password Strength
Password Strength is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting
guessing and brute-force attacks. The strength of a password is a function of
length, complexity and randomness. Using strong passwords lowers overall
risk of a security breach. The scope of this feature is to enforce a baseline
Password Strength for all locally administered users.
The feature doesn’t affect users with an existing password until their
password ages out. Password Strength is only enforced when a user is
configuring a new password or changing their existing password. Strength
checking is disabled by default. The network operator has to take care that
the Password Strength checking is disabled before downloading scripts
containing username configuration to avoid password configuration failure
for such users.
Password Strength Definition:
The feature ensures that any password configured on the switch
administrators purpose is a strong password and conforms to the following
characteristics when configured:
Minimum number of uppercase letters.
Minimum number of lowercase letters.
Minimum number of numeric characters.
Minimum number of special characters from the set: `! " ? $ ? % ^ & * ( )
_ - + = { [ } ] : ; @ ' ~ # | \ < , > . ? / .
Does not contain the associated login name.
Maximum number of consecutive characters (such as abcd).