Users Guide

Table Of Contents
56 Introduction
Examples given in this guide may not include complete CLI syntax as the
preference is to present CLI syntax relevant to the configuration task. Refer to
the Dell EMC Networking N1100-ON, N1500, N2000, N2100-ON, N2200-
ON, N3000E-ON, N3100-ON, and N3200-ON Series Switches CLI Reference
Guide for definitive syntax for any particular command. The parameter
ranges listed in the examples or text may vary from the allowed range on any
particular switch due to product limitations. Refer to the Feature Limits and
Platform Constants section located in the Appendix of this document for
range limits relevant to a particular switch model.
This guide is for network administrators in charge of managing one or more
Dell EMC Networking N-Series switches. To obtain the greatest benefit from
this guide, you should have a basic understanding of Ethernet networks and
local area network (LAN) concepts.
Document Conventions
Table 1-1 describes the typographical conventions this document uses.
Table 1-1. Document Conventions
Convention Description
Bold Page names, field names, menu options, button names, and
CLI commands and keywords.
courier font
Command-line text (CLI output) and file names
[ ] In a command line, square brackets indicate an optional
{ } In a command line, inclusive brackets indicate a selection of
compulsory parameters separated by the | character. One
option must be selected. For example:
spanning-tree mode
{stp|rstp|mstp} means that for the spanning-tree mode
command, stp, rstp, or mstp must be entered.
Italic In a command line, indicates a variable.
<Enter> Any individual key on the keyboard.