Deployment Guide

Table Of Contents
NOTE: If using jumbo frames, they must be enabled and configured on all devices in the data path, adapter ports, switches,
and storage system.
For RHEL 7
1. From the server terminal or console, run the nmtui command to access the NIC configuration tool (NetworkManager TUI).
2. Select Edit a connection to display a list of the Ethernet interfaces installed.
3. Select the iSCSI NIC that you want to assign an IP address to.
4. Change the IPv4 Configuration option to Manual.
5. Using the planning worksheet that you created in the Prerequisites section, provide the subnet mask by entering the NIC
IP address using the format x.x.x.x/16. For example:
6. Configure a gateway, if appropriate.
7. Select IGNORE for the IPv6 Configuration.
8. Check Automatically connect to start the NIC when the system boots.
9. Select OK to exit Edit connection.
10. Select Back to return to the main menu.
11. Select Quit to exit NetworkManager TUI.
12. Ping the new network interface and associated storage host ports to ensure IP connectivity.
13. Repeat steps 1-12 for each NIC you are assigning IP addresses to.
For SLES 12
1. From the server terminal or console, run the yast command to access the YaST Control Center.
2. Select System > Network Settings.
3. Select the iSCSI NIC that you want to assign an IP address to, then select Edit.
4. Select Statically Assigned IP Address.
5. Using the planning worksheet that you created in the Prerequisites section, enter the NIC IP address. For example:
6. Using the planning worksheet that you created in the Prerequisites section, enter the NIC subnet mask. For example:
7. Select Next.
8. Ping the new network interface and associated storage host ports to ensure IP connectivity.
9. Repeat steps 1-8 for each NIC you are assigning IP addresses to (NIC1 and NIC2 in the planning worksheet you created in
the Prerequisites section).
10. Select OK to exit network settings.
11. Select OK to exit YaST.
Configure the iSCSI initiators to connect to the storage system
For RHEL 7
1. From the server terminal or console, run the following iscsiadm command to discover targets (port A0):
iscsiadm m discovery t sendtargets p <IP>
Where <IP> is the IP address. For example:
iscsiadm m discovery t sendtargets p
2. With the discovery output, log in to each portal by running the iscsiadm command:
a. Run iscsiadm m node T <full IQN > -p <IP>
Where <full IQN> is the full IQN listing from the output in step 1 and <IP> is the IP address. For example:
iscsiadm m node T
b. Repeat the login for each controller host port using the discovery command output in step 1.
c. Reboot the host to ensure that all targets are automatically connected.
Perform host setup