CLI Guide

Table 36. drawers properties (continued)
Name Type Description
4: Unrecoverable
5: Not Installed
6: Unknown
7: Unavailable
extended-status hex32 A numeric value that supplements the standard SES status shown by the status and
status-numeric properties, and represents a specific condition.
health string
health-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for health values.
0: OK
1: Degraded
2: Fault
4: N/A
health-reason string If Health is not OK, the reason for the health state.
health-recommendation string If Health is not OK, the recommended actions to take to resolve the health issue.
unhealthy component Embedded; see unhealthy-component on page 412.
sideplane-details Embedded; see sideplanes on page 394.
This basetype is used by show disk-parameters on page 178.
Table 37. drive-parameters properties
Name Type Description
smart string Shows whether SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is
enabled or disabled for disks.
Detect-Only: Each disk in the system retains its individual SMART setting, as will
new disks added to the system.
Enabled: SMART is enabled for all disks in the system and will be enabled for new
disks added to the system.
Disabled: SMART is disabled for all disks in the system and will be disabled for
new disks added to the system.
smart-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for smart values.
0: Detect-Only
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
drive-write-back-cache string
Disabled: Disk write-back cache is disabled for all disks in the system and will be
enabled for new disks added to the system. This value cannot be changed.
drive-write-back-cache-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for drive-write-back-cache values.
2: Disabled
324 API basetype properties