White Papers

Executive summary
5 Dell EMC PowerVault ME4024 and VMware Horizon View with 1,300 Persistent VDI Users | 3919-RA-VDI
Executive summary
This reference architecture document describes a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) storage solution based
on the Dell EMC™ PowerVault™ ME4024 array. The ME4024 storage array is an excellent choice as a cost-
effective platform for VDI users. It delivers very good performance at a low price point yet offers many
expansion options to scale up to larger environments.
This document shows the user experience as tested using Login VSI
, the industry standard tool for testing
VDI user performance. It is designed to simulate real-world users by scripting each phase of a user
experience: login, loading applications, working on documentation, and logout.
The applications used to test the environment were Microsoft
Office 2013, Adobe
, WinZip, and
other applications running on Windows 10.
This document provides design guidance to help customers benefit from the low cost and high performance of
the ME4024 array. The data provided shows the following:
ME4024 performance
Scalability options
Login VSI test results
This reference architecture is intended for all audiences interested in the performance of an ME4024 array for
VDI workloads. It details the systems to drive the workload from an overview perspective. The focus is on the
storage portion of the environment under VDI loads. Performance under other workloads can be found on the
page Dell EMC PowerVault ME4 Series technical documents, and hardware options can be found on the ME4
Series product page.