CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
reset snapshot
Replaces the data in a standard snapshot with the current data from its parent volume. The
snapshots volume characteristics are not changed.
Any snapshot in a snapshot tree can be reset, but the data source can only be the snapshot's
immediate parent. For example, in the following snapshot tree:Vol1
|- Vol1Snap
|- Vol1SnapSnap
you can reset Vol1Snap to Vol1, or reset Vol1SnapSnap to Vol1Snap.
The command will prompt you to unmount the snapshot from all hosts before starting the reset
operation to avoid data loss.
CAUTION: All data represented by the snapshot as it exists prior to issuing this
command will be lost.
Minimum role manage
reset snapshot
[prompt yes|no]
Parameters [prompt yes|no]Optional. For scripting, this specifies an automatic reply to confirmation
yes: Allow the command to proceed.
no: Cancel the command.
If this parameter is omitted, you must manually reply to prompts.
snapshotThe name or serial number of the snapshot to reset. A name that includes a space must be
enclosed in double quotes.
Examples Reset snapshot Vol1Snap.
# reset snapshot Vol1Snap
See also show snapshots
reset vdisk-statistics
Resets performance statistics for all or specified linear disk groups. This command applies to linear
storage only.
Minimum role manage
reset vdisk-statistics
Optional. A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the linear disk groups for which
to reset statistics. A name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes. If this parameter
is omitted, statistics are reset for all linear disk groups.
Examples Reset statistics for linear disk groups VD1 and MyVdisk.
# reset vdisk-statistics VD1,MyVdisk
See also
reset all-statistics
reset disk-error-statistics
Alphabetical list of commands 101