CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
timezone +|-hh[:mm]
To configure use of NTP:
set controller-date
ntp enabled|disabled|on|off
ntpaddress address
timezone +|-hh[:mm]
The month.
The day number (131).
The hour (023), the minutes (059), and the seconds (059).
The year as a four-digit number.
ntp enabled|disabled|on|off
Enables or disables use of NTP. When NTP is enabled and the specified NTP server is available, each
controllers time is synchronized with the server. This is disabled by default.
ntpaddress address
The network address of an available NTP server. The value can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or
timezone +|-hh[:mm]
The systems time zone as an offset in hours (-12 through +14) and optionally minutes (0059)
from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). To specify a positive offset, the '+' is optional. To specify a
negative offset, the '-' is required. The hour value can have one or two digits and can omit a leading
zero. If the minutes value is specified it must have two digits. If it is omitted, the minutes value is set
to 00.
timestamp timestamp
The date and time represented as the number of seconds (not counting leap seconds) that have
elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. The resulting time will be in UTC, unless you also specify the
timezone parameter.
Manually set the system time and date to 1:45 PM on September 22, 2011.
# set controller-date sep 22 13:45:0 2011
Manually set the system date and time to 4:30:50 PM on November 2, 2011 by specifying a
timestamp and an offset for the Central Time zone.
# set controller-date timestamp 1320273050 timezone -6
Set the system to use NTP with an offset for the Mountain Time zone.
# set controller-date ntp enabled ntpaddress timezone -7
Set the system to use NTP with an offset for the Bangalore, India, time zone.
# set controller-date ntp enabled ntpaddress timezone +5:30
See also
set ntp-parameters
show controller-date
show ntp-status
Alphabetical list of commands 117