CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
set disk
Description Performs a secure erase on a specified disk. This is called repurposing the disk, and only applies to
an FDE-capable disk. This command can only be run on disks whose status is AVAIL, or UNUSABLE
due to having a foreign lock key. AVAIL disks have had all disk group information removed from
them. Secure erasing such disks is an extra step to make all data on the disk irretrievable. Disks that
are UNUSABLE due to having a foreign lock key can be imported by using the set fde-import-key
NOTE: If you want to repurpose more than one disk and the drive spin down (DSD) feature
is enabled, disable DSD before repurposing the disks. You can re-enable it after the disks are
repurposed. For information about disabling and enabling DSD for spinning disks that are available
or are global spares, see information about the set advanced-settings commands spin-down
Minimum role manage
set disk
Optional. Suppresses confirmation prompts. Specifying this parameter allows the command to
proceed without user interaction.
Specifies to secure erase the specified disk.
The ID of the disk to be repurposed. Only one disk may be repurposed at a time. For disk syntax, see
Command syntax.
Examples In a system whose FDE security status is Secured, Unlocked, perform a secure erase of all data on
disk 1.2, whose status is AVAIL.
# set disk 1.2 repurpose
In a system whose FDE security status is Secured, Locked, perform a secure erase of all data on
disk 1.2, whose status is UNUSABLE.
# set disk 1.2 repurpose
Disk 1.2 was used on another system, and its contents are unknown. The
contents will be erased. Do you want to continue? (y/n)
See also
set fde-lock-key
set fde-state
show disks (with the fde parameter)
show fde-state
set disk-group
Changes parameters for a specified disk group.
Minimum role manage
set disk-group
[adapt-spare-capacity size [B|KB|MB|GB|TB|KiB|MiB|GiB|TiB]|default]
Alphabetical list of commands 119