CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
reaches or exceeds the high threshold value. If the host is rebooted after the pool reaches or
exceeds the high threshold value, the host loses read and write access to the pool volumes. The
only way to regain read and write access to the pool volumes is to add more storage to the pool.
If your system has a replication set, the pool might be unexpectedly overcommitted because of the
size of the internal snapshots of the replication set. To check if the pool is overcommitted, view the
over-committed and over-committed-numeric properties shown by the show pools command in
API mode. You can also view the Pool Overcommitted value in the PowerVault Manager, as described
in help for the Pools topic.
Minimum role manage
set pool
[low-threshold #%]
[middle-threshold #%]
[overcommit enabled|disabled|on|off]
[low-threshold #%]
Optional. Sets the low threshold for page allocation as a percentage of pool capacity. This value must
be less than the middle-threshold value. The default low-threshold value is 50%.
[middle-threshold #%]
Optional. Sets the middle threshold for page allocation as a percentage of pool capacity. This value
must be between the low-threshold value and the high-threshold value. The default middle-threshold
value is 75%.
[overcommit enabled|disabled|on|off]Optional.
enabled or on: The allocated size of the volumes can exceed the physical capacity of the
pool. When stored data approaches the limit of physical capacity, the administrator can add more
enclosures to the system. This is the default.
disabled or off: The allocated size of the volumes cannot exceed the physical capacity of the
NOTE: If you try to disable overcommit and the total space allocated to thin-provisioned
volumes exceeds the physical capacity of their pool, an error will say that there is insufficient
free disk space to complete the operation and overcommit will remain enabled.
The name of the storage pool for which to change settings.
Examples For pool A, set the low threshold to 30%.
# set pool low-threshold 30% A
For pool B, disable overcommit.
# set pool overcommit off B
See also
delete pools
show pools
set prompt
Sets the prompt for the current CLI session. This setting does not persist beyond the current session.
Minimum role manage
set prompt
Alphabetical list of commands 143