CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
The system generates events when the percentage of snapshot space used crosses low, middle, or
high thresholds. The event is generated when the percentage exceeds or drops below the threshold.
You can set the percentages for the thresholds.
Minimum role manage
set snapshot-space
[high-threshold percent-of-snap-space%]
[limit percent-of-pool%]
[limit-policy notify-only|delete]
[low-threshold percent-of-snap-space%]
[middle-threshold percent-of-snap-space%]
pool A|B
[high-threshold percent-of-snap-space%]
Optional. Specifies a percentage of the snapshot space for the high threshold. Enter a value from
1% to 100%. It must be greater than or equal to the middle threshold. The default is 99%. When this
threshold is exceeded, event 571 is logged with Warning severity.
[limit percent-of-pool%]
Optional. Specifies the snapshot space. Enter a value from 1% to 100%. The default is 10%.
[limit-policy notify-only|delete]
Optional. Specifies the limit policy for when the percentage of the pool designated for snapshots is
notify-only: When the snapshot space is reached an event is generated and logged. This is
the default.
delete: When the snapshot space is reached an event is generated and logged and automatic
deletion of snapshots occurs.
[low-threshold percent-of-snap-space%]
Optional. Specifies a percentage of the snapshot space for the low threshold. Enter a value from 1%
to 100%. The default is 75%. When this threshold is exceeded, event 571 is logged with Informational
[middle-threshold percent-of-snap-space%]
Optional. Specifies a percentage of the snapshot space for the middle threshold. Enter a value from
1% to 100%. It must be greater than or equal to the low threshold. The default is 90%. When this
threshold is exceeded, event 571 is logged with Informational severity
. pool A|B
The pool for which to create the snapshot space usage.
For pool A, limit the maximum amount of pool space that can be occupied by snapshot data to 15%,
set the middle-threshold warning event to be logged when 85% of that space has filled, and set a
policy to automatically delete snapshots (per deletion rules) when the 15% limit is reached.
# set snapshot-space pool A limit 15% middle-threshold 85% limit-policy
See also
show snapshot-space
show pools
set snmp-parameters
Sets SNMP parameters for event notification. To enable or disable SNMP requests to the MIB use
the set protocols command.
150 Alphabetical list of commands