CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Optional. Specifies that the current CLI settings will become permanent settings for the user. This
parameter cannot be combined with any other parameter.
[storage-size-base 2|10]
Optional. Alias for base.
[storage-size-precision #]
Optional. Alias for precision.
[storage-size-units auto|MB|GB|TB]
Optional. Alias for units.
[temperature-scale celsius|c|fahrenheit|f]
Optional. Sets the scale for display of temperature values:
fahrenheit or f: Temperatures are shown in degrees Fahrenheit.
celsius or c: Temperatures are shown in degrees Celsius. This is the defaul.t
[timeout #]
Optional. Sets the timeout value in seconds for the login session. Valid values are 12043200 seconds
(2720 minutes). The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
[trap-host address]
Optional. For an SNMPv3 user whose interface parameter is set to snmptarget, this specifies the
network address of the host that will receive SNMP traps. The value can be an IPv4 address, IPv6
address, or FQDN.
[type novice|standard|advanced|diagnostic]
Optional. Identifies the users experience level. This parameter is informational only and does not
affect access to commands. The default is standard.
[units auto|MB|GB|TB]
Optional. Sets the unit for display of storage-space sizes:
auto: Sizes are shown in units determined by the system. This is the default.
MB: Sizes are shown in megabytes.
GB: Sizes are shown in gigabytes.
TB: Sizes are shown in terabytes.
Based on the precision setting, if a size is too small to meaningfully display in the selected unit,
the system uses a smaller unit for that size. For example, if units is set to TB, precision is set to 1, and
base is set to 10, the size 0.11709 TB is instead shown as 117.1 GB.
Specifies the user account to change. A name that includes a space must be enclosed in double
Specifies the user account to change.
Change the temperature scale and accessible interfaces for user jsmith.
# set user jsmith temperature-scale f interfaces wbi,cli
Change the password for user JDoe.
# set user JDoe password Abcd%1234
Change the authentication type for SNMPv3 user Traps.
# set user Traps authentication-type SHA password Snmp3%Trap
See also
set password
show users
160 Alphabetical list of commands