CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Shows whether the managed logs feature is enabled, which allows log files to be transferred from the
storage system to a log collection system to avoid losing diagnostic data as logs fill.
Disabled: The managed logs feature is disabled.
Enabled: The managed logs feature is enabled.
Single Controller Mode
For a system that lacks a second controller module for redundancy and is intended to be used as
a single-controller system, this property shows whether the operating/redundancy mode is set to
Single Controller. This prevents the system from reporting the absent partner controller as an error
condition. This parameter does not affect any other system settings. Installing a second, functional
controller module will change the mode to Active-Active ULP.
Enabled: Single controller mode is enabled.
Disabled: Single controller mode is disabled.
Auto Stall Recovery
Shows whether the auto stall recovery is enabled, which detects situations where a controller stall is
preventing I/O operations from completing, and recovers the system so that at least one controller
is operational, thus avoiding data-unavailability situations. This feature focuses on failover/recovery
stalls. When a stall is detected, event 531 is logged.
Disabled: Auto stall recovery is disabled. The system will constantly perform auto stall detection
in the background but will not automatically perform recovery actions.
Enabled: Auto stall recovery is enabled. The system will constantly perform auto stall detection
in the background and automatically perform recovery actions. This is the default.
Large pools
Shows whether the large-pools feature is enabled. This feature provides the capability to create a
virtual pool larger than 512 TiB on each controller by limiting the number of user-defined snapshots
that can be created in snapshot trees.
Enabled: The maximum size for a virtual pool will be 1024 TiB (1 PiB). The maximum number of
volumes per snapshot tree will be 9 (base volume plus 8 snapshots).
Disabled: The maximum size for a virtual pool will be 512 TiB. The maximum number of volumes
per snapshot tree will be 255 (base volume plus 254 snapshots).
Show advanced system-configuration settings.
# show advanced-settings
See also set advanced-settings
show cache-parameters
Shows cache settings and status for the system and optionally for a volume.
Minimum role monitor
show cache-parameters
Optional. Name or serial number of the volume for which to show settings. A name that includes a
space must be enclosed in double quotes. If this parameter is not specified, only system-wide settings
are shown.
System cache parameters:
Operation Mode
168 Alphabetical list of commands