CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
show cli-parameters
Description Shows the current CLI session preferences.
Minimum role monitor
show cli-parameters
The time in seconds that the session can be idle before it automatically ends. Valid values are
120-43200 seconds (2-720 minutes).
Output Format
console: Supports interactive use of the CLI by displaying command output in easily readable
format. This format automatically sizes fields according to content and adjusts content to window
api: Supports scripting by displaying command output in XML. All objects are displayed at the
same level, related by COMP elements.
api-embed: Alternate form of XML output which displays child objects embedded (indented)
under parent objects.
ipa: Alternate form of XML output which displays as api-embed format with brief mode
json: Standard JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) output.
wbi: A JSON-like format used internally by the PowerVault Manager.
Brief Mode
enabled : In XML output, this setting shows a subset of attributes of object properties. The
name and type attributes are always shown.
disabled : In XML output, this setting shows all attributes of object properties. This is the
2: Sizes are shown as powers of 2, using 1024 as a divisor for each magnitude.
10: Sizes are shown as powers of 10, using 1000 as a divisor for each magnitude.
Operating systems usually show volume size in base 2. Disk drives usually show size in base 10.
Memory (RAM and ROM) size is always shown in base 2.
enabled : Halts output after each full screen to wait for keyboard input.
disabled : Output is not halted. When displaying output in API format, which is intended for
scripting, disable paging.
The display language.
Precision #
The number of decimal places (110) for display of storage-space sizes.
The unit for display of storage-space sizes:
auto: Sizes are shown in units determined by the system.
MB: Sizes are shown in megabytes.
GB: Sizes are shown in gigabytes.
TB: Sizes are shown in terabytes.
Based on the precision setting, if a size is too small to meaningfully display in the selected unit, the
system uses a smaller unit for that size. For example, if units is set to TB, precision is set to 1, and
base is set to 10, the size 0.11709 TB is instead shown as 117.1 GB.
temperature scale
fahrenheit or f: Temperatures are shown in degrees Fahrenheit.
Alphabetical list of commands