CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Optional. Specifies to show historical statistics. If this parameter is omitted, live statistics will be
time-range "date/time-range"
Optional. Specifies the date/time range of historical statistics to show, in the format "start
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm [AM| PM] end yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm [AM|PM]". If the start date/time is
specified but no end date/time is specified, the current date/time will be used as the end date/time.
The system will return the oldest sample taken after the start time and the latest sample taken
before the end time. If the specified start date/time is earlier than the oldest sample, that sample will
be used as the start date/time. If you specify this parameter, do not specify the count parameter. If
this parameter is omitted, the most recent 100 data samples will be displayed.
Optional for live statistics. Required for historical statistics. Specifies a comma-separated list of disks
for which to show information. If this parameter is omitted, information will be shown for all disks. For
disk syntax, see Command syntax
The disk location in the format disk_enclosure-ID.slot-number.
Serial Number
The serial number of the disk.
Pwr Hrs
The total number of hours that the disk has been powered on since it was manufactured. This value is
stored in disk metadata and is updated in 30-minute increments.
The data transfer rate, in bytes per second, calculated over the interval since these statistics were
last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not been requested or reset since a controller
The number of input/output operations per second, calculated over the interval since these statistics
were last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not been requested or reset since a
controller restart.
The number of read operations since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was
The number of write operations since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was
Data Read
The amount of data read since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was restarted.
Data Written
The amount of data written since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was
Lifetime Read
The amount of data read from the disk in its lifetime.
Lifetime Written
The amount of data written to the disk in its lifetime.
Reset Time
Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds , when these statistics were last
reset, either by a user or by a controller restart.
Alphabetical list of commands