CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Write IOPS
Shown by the all parameter. The number of write operations per second since the last sampling time.
Total B/s
The total data transfer rate, in bytes per second, since the last sampling time.
Read B/s
Shown by the all parameter. The data transfer rate, in bytes per second, for read operations since the
last sampling time.
Write B/s
Shown by the all parameter. The data transfer rate, in bytes per second, for write operations since
the last sampling time.
Queue Depth
Shown by the all parameter. The average number of pending read and write operations being serviced
since the last sampling time. This value represents periods of activity only and excludes periods of
I/O Resp Time
The average response time, in microseconds, for read and write operations since the last sampling
Read Resp Time
Shown by the all parameter. The average response time, in microseconds, for read operations since
the last sampling time.
Write Resp Time
Shown by the all parameter. The average response time, in microseconds, for write operations since
the last sampling time.
Average I/O Size
Shown by the all parameter. The average data size of read and write operations since the last
sampling time.
Average Read I/O Size
Shown by the all parameter. The average data size of read operations since the last sampling time.
Average Write I/O Size
Shown by the all parameter. The average data size of write operations since the last sampling time.
Number of Disk Errors
Shown by the all parameter. The total number of disk errors detected since the last sampling time.
Error types include: number of SMART events; number of timeouts accessing the disk; number of
times the disk did not respond; number of attempts by the storage system to spin-up the disk;
media errors generated by the disk as specified by its manufacturer; non-media errors (generated
by the storage system, or by the disk and not categorized as media errors); number of bad-block
Sample Time
Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds, when the data sample was taken
Show live statistics for disks 1.1 and 2.1.
# show disk-statistics 1.1,2.1
Show live error statistics for all disks.
# show disk-statistics error-stats
Show historical statistics from a specified date and time range for disk 1.5.
# show disk-statistics 1.5 historical time-range "start 2011-12-05 4:40
PM end 2011-12-05 5:00 PM"
Show all samples of historical statistics for disk 1.5.
Alphabetical list of commands 193