CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
For each enclosure, this command shows status information for PHYs in I/O module A and then I/O
module B
Minimum role monitor
show expander-status
The enclosure that contains the SAS Expander.
Shown in drawer output. The number of the drawer.
Shown in drawer output. The number of the Expander.
The I/O module that contains the SAS Expander.
Identifies the logical location of a PHY within a group based on the PHY type. If the controller module
or expansion module for the PHY is not installed, this field shows --.
phy phy-ID
The logical PHY number.
Drawer0-Egress: Drawer 0 egress PHY
Drawer0-Ingress-0: Drawer 0 ingress PHY 0
Drawer1-Egress: Drawer 1 egress PHY
Drawer1-Ingress: Drawer 1 drawer ingress PHY
Drawer2-Egress: Drawer 2 egress PHY
Drawer2-Ingress: Drawer 2 ingress PHY
Drive: Drive slot PHY
Egress: Expansion port egress PHY
Expander-Egress-0: Expansion port 0 egress PHY
Expander-Egress-1: Expansion port 1 egress PHY
Expander-Ingress-0: Expansion port 0 ingress PHY
Expander-Ingress-1: Expansion port 1 ingress PHY
Ingress: Expansion port ingress PHY
Inter-Exp: Inter-Expander PHY
SC: Storage Controller PHY
SC-0: Storage Controller primary PHY
SC-1: Storage Controller alternate PHY
SC-a: Storage Controller alternate PHY
SC-p: Storage Controller primary PHY
SCA-A: Storage Controller A alternate PHY
SCA-P: Storage Controller A primary PHY
SCB-A: Storage Controller B alternate PHY
SCB-P: Storage Controller B primary PHY
Enabled - Healthy: The PHY is enabled and healthy.
Enabled - Degraded: The PHY is enabled but degraded.
Disabled: The PHY has been disabled by a user or by the system
Elem Status
A standard SES status for the element:
Disabled: Critical condition is detected.
Error: Unrecoverable condition is detected. Appears only if there is a firmware problem related
to PHY definition data.
Alphabetical list of commands