CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
The FRU description.
Part Number
The FRU part number.
Serial Number
The FRU serial number.
The hardware revision level.
Dash Level
The FRU template revision number.
FRU Shortname
A short description of the FRU.
Manufacturing Date
The date and time in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds when a PCBA was
programmed or a power supply module was manufactured.
Manufacturing Location
The city, state/province, and country where the FRU was manufactured.
Manufacturing Vendor ID
The JEDEC ID (global manufacturing code) of the manufacturer.
FRU Location
The location of the FRU in the enclosure.
Configuration SN
The configuration serial number.
FRU Status
Absent: The FRU is not present.
Fault: The FRUs health is Degraded or Fault.
Invalid Data: The FRU ID data is invalid. The FRUs EEPROM is improperly programmed.
OK: The FRU is operating normally.
Power OFF: The FRU is powered off.
Original SN
For a power supply module, the original manufacturer serial number. Otherwise, N/A.
Original PN
For a power supply module, the original manufacturer part number. Otherwise, N/A.
Original Rev
For a power supply module, the original manufacturer hardware revision. Otherwise, N/A.
Enclosure ID
The enclosure number
Show information about all FRUs in the system.
# show frus
206 Alphabetical list of commands