CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
show pool-statistics
Shows live or historical performance statistics for virtual pools. For pool performance statistics, the
system samples live data every 30 seconds and historical data every 5 minutes, and retains historical
data for 6 months.
The historical option allows you to specify a time range or a number (count) of data samples
to include. It is not recommended to specify both the time-range and count parameters. If both
parameters are specified, and more samples exist for the specified time range, the samples' values
will be aggregated to show the required number of samples.
Statistics shown only in API output are described in API basetype properties.
Minimum role monitor
Syntax To show live statistics:
show pool-statistics
[pools pool]
[tier performance|standard|archive|readcache]
To show historical statistics:
show pool-statistics
[count number-of-data-samples]
[filename filename.csv]
[pools pool]
[tier performance|standard|archive|readcache]
[time-range "date/time-range"]
Optional. Specifies to show the full set of performance metrics. If this parameter is omitted, the
default set of performance metrics will be shown.
count number-of-data-samples
Optional. Specifies the number of data samples to display, from 1 to 100. Each sample will be shown
as a separate row in the command output. If this parameter is omitted, 100 samples will be shown. If
you specify this parameter, do not specify the time-range parameter.
filename filename.csv
Optional. Specifies to save historical statistics, in CSV format, to a file on the controller. To access
the file, use SFTP or FTP.
Optional. Specifies to show historical statistics. If this parameter is omitted, live statistics will be
pools pool
Optional. Specifies the name or serial number of the virtual pool for which to show information. If this
parameter is omitted, information will be shown for both pools A and B. A name that includes a space
must be enclosed in double quotes.
tier performance|standard|archive|readcache
Optional. Specifies the tier for which to show statistics.
time-range "date/time-range"
Optional. Specifies the date/time range of historical statistics to show, in the format "start yyyy-mm-
dd hh:mm[AM| PM] end yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm[AM|PM]". If the start date/time is specified but no end
Alphabetical list of commands