CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
The name of the pool.
The name of the tier.
Total I/Os, Reads, Writes, Data Transferred, Data Read, Data Written,
Total IOPS, Read IOPS, Write IOPS, Total B/s, Read B/s, Write B/s
As described for a pool, above.
Allocated Pages
The number of 4 MB pages allocated to volumes in the tier.
Page Moves In
The number of pages moved into this tier from a different tier.
Page Moves Out
The number of pages moved out of this tier to other tiers.
Page Rebalances
The number of pages moved between disks in this tier to automatically load balance.
Initial Allocations
The number of 4 MB pages that are allocated as a result of host writes. This number does not include
pages allocated as a result of background tiering page movement. (Tiering moves pages from one tier
to another, so one tier will see a page deallocated, while another tier will show pages allocated. These
background moves are not considered initial allocations.)
The number of 4 MB pages that are automatically reclaimed and deallocated because they are empty
(they contain only zeroes for data).
RC Copies
The number of 4 MB pages copied from spinning disks to SSD read cache (read flash cache).
Zero-Pages Reclaimed
The number of empty (zero-filled) pages that were reclaimed during this sample period.
Sample Time
Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds, when the data sample
was taken.
Show live statistics for both pools.
# show pool-statistics
Show historical statistics from a specified date and time range for pool A.
# show pool-statistics pools A historical time-range "start 2014-06-01
4:40 PM end 2014-06-01 5:00 PM"
Show all samples of historical statistics for the Standard tier in pool A.
# show pool-statistics historical all pools A tier standard
pool-statistics (live)
resettable-statistics (live)
tier-statistics (live)
pool-summary (historical)
pool-hist-statistics (historical)
tier-summary (historical)
tier-hist-statistics (historical)
readcache-hist-statistics (historical)
224 Alphabetical list of commands