CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
preserved: The copy excludes modified snapshot data
Last Created
The name of the last volume created by the task.
Blank if the task has not created a volume.
Replicate task, detail
Task Name
The name of the task.
Task Type
Uninitialized: The task is not yet ready to run.
Ready: The task is ready to run.
Active: The task is running.
Error: The task has an error.
Deleted: The task is expired but this state is not yet synchronized to the partner controller.
Task State
The current step of the task:
Error Message
If an error occurred while processing the task, the error message.
Blank if no error has occurred.
EnableDSD task, detail
Task Name
The name of the task.
Task Type
Uninitialized: The task is not yet ready to run.
Ready: The task is ready to run.
Active: The task is running.
Error: The task has an error.
Deleted: The task is expired but this state is not yet synchronized to the partner controller.
Task State
The current step of the task, which is always Start.
Error Message
If an error occurred while processing the task, the error message.
Blank if no error has occurred.
DisableDSD task, detail
Task Name
The name of the task.
Task Type
Uninitialized: The task is not yet ready to run.
Alphabetical list of commands