CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
The amount of space currently allocated to volumes in the tier.
Available Size
The available capacity in the tier.
Affinity Size
The total size of volumes configured to have affinity for that tier.
Examples Show information about all tiers.
# show tiers tier all
Show information about the Standard tier.
# show tiers tier standard
See also show tier-statistics
show tier-statistics
Shows live performance statistics for tiers. The command will show information for all tiers by
default, or you can use parameters to filter the output. For tier performance statistics, the system
samples live data every 30 seconds.
Properties shown only in API format are described in API basetype properties
Minimum role monitor
show tier-statistics
[pool pool]
tier performance|standard|archive|readcache|all
pool pool
Optional. Specifies the name or serial number of the pool for which to show information. If this
parameter is omitted, information is shown for all pools.
tier performance|standard|archive|readcache|all
Specifies the tier for which to show statistics.
The name of the pool.
The name of the tier.
Pages Allocated per Min
The rate, in pages per minute, at which pages are allocated to volumes in the tier because they need
more space to store data.
Pages Deallocated per Min
The rate, in pages per minute, at which pages are deallocated from volumes in the tier because they
no longer need the space to store data.
Pages Reclaimed
The number of 4 MB pages that have been automatically reclaimed and deallocated because they are
empty (they contain only zeroes for data).
Pages Unmapped per Minute
Alphabetical list of commands 255