CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
abort replication
Description Aborts the current replication operation for the specified replication set.
This command applies to virtual storage only.
This command must be run on the replication set of the primary system. For the command to
succeed, the replication set state must be either Running or Suspended. Attempting to abort
replication for a replication set whose state is either Ready or Unsynchronized fails with an error
If you abort a running replication, the replication set returns to the state it had before replication
started either Ready or Unsynchronized. If you abort a suspended replication, the state of the
replication set remains Suspended.
NOTE: If you abort a replication operation, the snapshot space that is allocated for that
replication in the primary pool and the secondary pool will not be freed. To free that space, either
re-run the initial replication or delete the replication set.
Minimum role manage
abort replication
Parameters replication-ID
The name or serial number of the replication set in which to abort replications.
Examples Abort active replications in replication set RS1
# abort replication RS1
See also
resume replication-set
show replication-sets
suspend replication-set
abort scrub
Aborts a media scrub operation.
Minimum role manage
abort scrub
[disk-group disk-groups]
vdisk vdisks
[volume volumes]
Specify only one of the following parameters.
disk-group disk-groups
Optional. A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the disk groups to stop scrubbing.
A name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.
vdisk vdisks
Optional. A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the linear disk groups to stop
scrubbing. A name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.
volume volumes
Optional. A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the volumes to stop scrubbing. A
name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.
Alphabetical list of commands 29