CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 20. controllers properties (continued)
Name Type Description
2: Not up
description string FRU long description.
part-number string Part number for the FRU.
revision string Hardware revision level for the FRU.
dash-level string FRU template revision number.
fru-shortname string FRU short description.
mfg-date string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds
(UTC), when the PCBA of the controller was programmed.
mfg-date-numeric uint32 Unformatted mfg-date value.
mfg-location string City, state/province, and country where the FRU was manufactured.
mfg-vendor-id string JEDEC ID of the FRU manufacturer.
locator-led string Shows the state of the locator LED on a controller module.
locator-led-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for locator-led values.
0: Off
1: On
ssd-alt-path-io-count uint8 The ratio of I/Os that alternate between the primary path and the alternate path
to the SSDs. Thus, 2 means every second I/O will go to the alternate path, or 3
means every third I/O will go to the alternate path.
health string
health-numeric uint32
Numeric equivalents for health values.
0 : OK
1: Degraded
2: Fault
3: Unknown
4: N/A
health-reason string If Health is not OK, the reason for the health state.
health-recommendation string If Health is not OK, the recommended actions to take to resolve the health issue.
position string Position of the controller module, as viewed from the back of the enclosure.
position-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for position values.
0: Left
1: Right
2: Top
3: Bottom
API basetype properties 303