CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 20. controllers properties (continued)
Name Type Description
ip-address Embedded; see network-parameters on page 365.
port-details Embedded; see port on page 375.
enclosure-id Embedded; see expander-ports on page 343.
compact-flash Embedded; see compact-flash on page 298.
expander-details Embedded; seeexpanders on page 345.
This basetype is used by show controller-statistics on page 177.
Table 21. controller-statistics properties
Name Type Description
durable-id string
controller a
controller b
cpu-load uint32 Percentage of time the CPU is busy, from 0 to 100.
power-on-time uint32 Number of seconds since the controller was restarted.
write-cache-used uint32 Percentage of write cache in use, from 0 to 100.
bytes-per-second string The data transfer rate, in bytes per second, calculated over the interval since
these statistics were last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not
been requested or reset since a controller restart.
bytes-per-second-numeric uint64 Unformatted bytes-per-second value.
iops uint32 Input/output operations per second, calculated over the interval since these
statistics were last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not been
requested or reset since a controller restart.
number-of-reads uint64 For the controller whose host ports had I/O activity, the number of read
operations since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was
read-cache-hits uint64 For the controller that owns the volume, the number of times the block to be
read is found in cache.
read-cache-misses uint64 For the controller that owns the volume, the number of times the block to be
read is not found in cache.
number-of-writes uint64 For the controller whose host ports had I/O activity, the number of write
operations since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was
write-cache-hits uint64 For the controller that owns the volume, the number of times the block written to
is found in cache.
write-cache-misses uint64 For the controller that owns the volume, the number of times the block written to
is not found in cache.
data-read string Amount of data read since these statistics were last reset or since the controller
was restarted.
data-read-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-read value.
data-written string Amount of data written since these statistics were last reset or since the
controller was restarted.
data-written-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-written value.
API basetype properties 305