CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 23. cs-replicate-tasks properties
Name Type Description
replication-set-name string The name of the replication set.
replication-set-serialnum string The serial number of the replication set.
replicate-last-snapshot string
False: The primary volume will be replicated.
True: The most recent snapshot of the primary volume will be replicated.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for replicate-last-snapshot values.
0: False
1: True
This basetype is used by show replication-sets on page 234.
Table 24. cs-replication-set properties
Name Type Description
replication-state string
Last Run
Current Run
replication-state- numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for replication-state values.
0: Last Run
1: Current Run
image-generation sint32 The generation number of the replication. If the replication set is unsynchronized,
which means the replication set is ready for replication but no replications have
been performed, the value will be 0.
progress string The percentage complete of the active replication. Otherwise, N/A.
total-data- transferred string The total number of bytes transferred.
total-data- transferred-
uint64 Unformatted total-data-transferred value.
collection-time uint32 The date and time when the replication data shown by this command was
collection-time- numeric uint32 Unformatted collection-time value.
time-start string The date and time when the replication started.
time-start-numeric uint32 Unformatted time-start value.
time-end string The date and time when the replication ended.
time-end-numeric uint32 Unformatted time-end value.
estimated-time- completion string The date and time when the replication is estimated to end.
estimated-time- completion-
uint32 Unformatted estimated-time-completion value.
most-recent- suspend-time string The most recent time that the replication was suspended.
most-recent- suspend-time-
uint32 Unformatted most-recent-suspend-time value.
num-seconds- suspended uint32 The amount of time, in seconds, that the replication was suspended.
suspend-count uint32 The number of times the replication was suspended.
error-count uint32 The number of times the replication experienced an error.
API basetype properties 307