CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 28. disk-groups properties (continued)
Name Type Description
blocks-numeric uint64 Unformatted blocks value.
disk-dsd-enable-vdisk string
Disabled: DSD is disabled for the disk group
Enabled - all spinning: DSD is enabled for the disk group.
Partial spin-down: DSD is enabled for the disk group and its disks are
partially spun down to conserve power.
Full spin-down: DSD is enabled for the disk group and its disks are fully
spun down to conserve power.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for disk-dsd-enable-vdisk values.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled - all spinning
2: Partial spin-down
3: Full spin-down
disk-dsd-delay-vdisk uint32 For spinning disks in a linear disk group, the period of inactivity after which the
disks and dedicated spares will automatically spin down, from 1 to 360 minutes.
The value 0 means spin down is disabled.
adapt-target-spare-capacity string For an ADAPT disk group, the target spare capacity in GiB. Typically twice the
capacity of the largest disk in the disk group.
uint64 Unformatted adapt-target-spare-capacity value in blocks.
adapt-actual-spare-capacity string For an ADAPT disk group, the currently available spare capacity in GiB.
uint64 Unformatted adapt-actual-spare-capacity value in blocks.
adapt-critical-capacity string For an ADAPT disk group, the amount of storage space that is not currently
protected against disk loss. (Normally all data is protected against loss of two
uint64 Unformatted adapt-critical-capacity value in blocks.
adapt-degraded-capacity string For an ADAPT disk group, the amount of storage space that is protected against
loss of a single disk only. (Normally all data is protected against loss of two disks.)
uint64 Unformatted adapt-degraded-capacity value in blocks.
adapt-linear-volume-boundary uint32 The block size by which volumes are aligned in a linear ADAPT disk group. Disk
group space is allocated in multiples of this size to such volumes.
pool-sector-format string The sector format of disks in the disk group.
512n: All disks use 512-byte native sector size. Each logical block and
physical block is 512 bytes.
512e: All disks use 512-byte emulated sector size. Each logical block is 512
bytes and each physical block is 4096 bytes. Eight logical blocks will be stored
sequentially in each physical block. Logical blocks may or may not be aligned
with physical block boundaries.
Mixed: The disk group contains a mix of 512n and 512e disks. This is
supported, but for consistent and predictable performance, do not mix disks
of different sector size types (512n, 512e).
pool-sector-format-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for pool-sector-format values.
0: 512n
1: 512e
3: Mixed
health string
320 API basetype properties