CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 36. drive-parameters properties (continued)
Name Type Description
Disabled: SMART is disabled for all disks in the system and will be disabled
for new disks added to the system.
smart-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for smart values.
0: Detect-Only
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
drive-write-back-cache string
Disabled: Disk write-back cache is disabled for all disks in the system and
will be enabled for new disks added to the system. This value cannot be
uint32 Numeric equivalents for drive-write-back-cache values.
2: Disabled
drive-timeout-retry-max uint8 Maximum number of times a timed-out I/O operation can be retried before the
operation is failed. This value cannot be changed.
drive-attempt-timeout uint8 Number of seconds before an I/O operation is aborted and possibly retried. This
value cannot be changed.
drive-overall-timeout uint8 Total time in seconds before an I/O operation is failed regardless of the drive-
attempt-timeout and drive-timeout-retry-max settings. This value
cannot be changed.
disk-dsd-enable string Shows whether spinning disks that are available or are global spares will spin
down after a period of inactivity shown by the disk-dsd-delay property.
Disabled: Drive spin down for available disks and global spares is disabled.
Enabled: Drive spin down for available disks and global spares is enabled.
disk-dsd-enable-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for disk-dsd-enable values.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
disk-dsd-delay uint16 Shows the period of inactivity in minutes after which spinning disks that are
available or are global spares will spin down, from 1 to 360 minutes. The value 0
means spin down is disabled.
This basetype is used by show disk-statistics on page 190 when the historical parameter is specified.
Table 37. drive-summary properties
Name Type Description
durable-id string Disk ID in the format disk_enclosure-number.disk-number.
serial-number string Disk serial number.
disk-hist-statistics Embedded; see disk-hist-statistics on page 323.
This basetype is used by show configuration on page 173 and show disks on page 184.
API basetype properties