CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 39. email-parameters properties (continued)
Name Type Description
none: Disables email notification.
This parameter does not apply to managed-logs notifications.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for email-notification-filter values.
0: info
1: resolved
2: warn
3: error
4: crit
5: none
email-notify-address-1 string Up to three email addresses for recipients of event notifications.
email-notify-address-2 string
email-notify-address-3 string
email-notify-address-4 string Shows the email address for the log-collection system used by the log-
management feature.
email-security-protocol string
TLS: Transport Layer Security (TLS) authentication is enabled.
SSL: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication is enabled.
None: No authentication is enabled.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for email-security-protocol values.
0: None
1: TLS
2: SSL
email-smtp-port string The port on which the configured SMTP server is listening.
email-server string The IP address of the SMTP mail server to use for the email messages.
email-domain string The domain name that, with the sender name, forms the from address for
remote notification.
email-sender string The sender name that, with the domain name, forms the from address for
remote notification.
email-sender-password string The sender password.
include-logs string Shows whether system log files will automatically be attached for email
notification messages generated by the log-management feature. This is the
push mode of log management.
include-logs-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for include-logs values.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
This basetype is used by show configuration on page 173 and show frus on page 205.
Table 40. enclosure-fru properties
Name Type Description
name string FRU name.
CHASSIS_MIDPLANE: Chassis and midplane circuit board
RAID_IOM: Controller module
BOD_IOM: Expansion module
336 API basetype properties