CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 42. enclosure properties (continued)
Name Type Description
0x02: IOM B incompatible
midplane-serial-number string Midplane serial number.
vendor string Enclosure vendor.
model string Enclosure model.
fru_tlapn string FRU top-level assembly part number.
fru-shortname string FRU short description.
fru-location string FRU location.
MID-PLANE SLOT: Chassis midplane.
(blank): Not applicable.
part-number string FRU part number.
mfg-date string Date and time, in the format year-month-day
hour:minutes:seconds(UTC), when a PCBA was programmed or a power
supply module was manufactured.
mfg-date-numeric uint32 Unformatted mfg-date value.
mfg-location string City, state/province, and country where the FRU was manufactured.
description string FRU long description.
revision string Hardware revision level for the FRU.
dash-level string FRU template revision number.
emp-a-rev string Firmware revision of controller As EMP.
emp-b-rev string Firmware revision of controller Bs EMP.
rows uint8 Number of rows of disk slots.
columns uint8 Number of columns of disk slots.
slots uint8 Number of disk slots in this enclosure
locator-led string Shows the state of the locator LED on an enclosure.
locator-led-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for locator-led values.
0: Off
1: On
drive-orientation string
vertical: Disks are oriented vertically.
horizontal: Disks are oriented horizontally.
drive-orientation-numeric uint32
Numeric equivalents for drive-orientation values.
0: vertical
1: horizontal
enclosure-arrangement string
vertical: Disks are numbered vertically (by column from top to bottom,
proceeding from left to right).
horizontal: Disks are numbered horizontally (by row from left to right,
proceeding from top to bottom).
uint32 Numeric equivalents for enclosure-arrangement values.
0: vertical
1: horizontal
340 API basetype properties