CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 95. remote-system properties (continued)
Name Type Description
Uninitialized Contact : The default value.
system-location string
The location of the remote system.
Uninitialized Location : The default value.
system-information string
A brief description of the remote system.
Uninitialized Info : The default value.
vendor-name string The vendor name of the remote system.
product-id string The product model identifier of the remote system.
product-brand string The brand name of the remote system.
ip-address-a string
The IP address of the network port in controller A in the remote system.
Not Present
ip-address-b string
The IP address of the network port in controller B in the remote system.
Not Present
username string The name of a user that is configured in the remote system. This must be a user
with the manage role to remotely configure or provision that system.
status string
Uninitialized : This system hasn't communicated with the remote
Ready : This system has contacted the remote system and it is ready to use.
Connected : This system is transferring data to the remote system.
Not Connected : The system is not connected to the remote system.
status-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for status values.
0: Uninitialized
1: Ready
2: Connected
last-connected string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds
(UTC), when successful communication was last established between the
Management Controller in the local system and the Management Controller in
the remote system. This value does not indicate when connection status was last
determined, and will not be updated if the remote Management Controller is not
accessible or if the connection status is Not Connected .
interfaces string
Hybrid: FC and iSCSI
interfaces-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for interfaces values.
0: FC
1: iSCSI
2: SAS
3: Hybrid
storage-model string
storage-model- numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for storage-model values.
isvalid-ip-a string
False : The IP address is not valid for controller module A in the remote
True : The IP address is valid for controller module A in the remote system.
isvalid-ip-a- numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for isvalid-ip-a values.
384 API basetype properties