CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
This basetype is used by show expander-status on page 199 and has the same properties as sas-status-
controller-a on page 387.
This basetype is used by show schedules on page 238.
Table 102. schedules properties
Name Type Description
name string Schedule name.
schedule-specification string Schedule settings for running the associated task.
status string Schedule status.
Uninitialized : The schedule is not yet ready to run.
Ready : The schedule is ready to run at the next scheduled time.
Suspended : The schedule had an error and is holding in its current state.
Expired : The schedule has exceeded a constraint and will not run again.
Invalid : The schedule is invalid.
Deleted : The task has been deleted.
next-time string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds
(UTC), when the schedule will next run, or N/A if the schedule has expired.
next-time-numeric uint32 Unformatted next-time value.
task-to-run string Name of the task that the schedule runs.
error-message string
If an error occurred while running the schedule, the error message.
Blank if no error occurred.
task Embedded; see tasks on page 410.
This basetype is used by show protocols on page 228.
Table 103. security-communications-protocols properties
Name Type Description
wbi-http string
Disabled : The standard PowerVault Manager web server interface is
Enabled : The standard PowerVault Manager web server interface is
wbi-http-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for wbi-http values.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
wbi-https string
Disabled : The secure PowerVault Manager web server interface is
Enabled : The secure PowerVault Manager web server interface is enabled.
wbi-https-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for wbi-https values.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
API basetype properties 391