CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 104. sensors properties (continued)
Name Type Description
sensor-type string
Charge Capacity
Unknown Type
sensor-type-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for sensor-type values.
0: Temperature
1: Current
2: Voltage
3: Charge capacity
4: Unknown Type
This basetype is used by show service-tag-info on page 240.
Table 105. service-tag-info properties
Name Type Description
service-tag string An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the product.
This basetype is used by show sessions on page 240.
Table 106. sessions properties
Name Type Description
username string The name of the user for which session information is shown.
interface string Shows whether the session is using the CLI or the PowerVault Manager.
management-mode string The management mode used in the session.
Linear : Uses linear-storage terminology in command output and system
messages. For example, vdisk for disk groups and pools.
Virtual : Enables access to virtual replication commands and uses
terminology in command output and system messages that is generalized
for managing virtual and linear storage. For example, disk group for disk
groups and pool for pools.
management-mode-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for management-mode values.
2: Linear
3: Virtual
locale string The display language.
locale-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for locale values.
0: English
3: Spanish
4: French
8: Korean
5: German
7: Japanese
API basetype properties 395