CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 106. sessions properties (continued)
Name Type Description
11: Chinese-simplified
host string For a CLI session, the IP address and port number of the connected system.
state uint32
timeout uint32 The time in seconds that the session can be idle before it automatically ends.
timeout-counter uint32 The time in seconds remaining before the session automatically ends.
idle-time uint32 The time in seconds that the session has been idle.
first-access string The date and time when the session started.
first-access-numeric uint32 Unformatted first-access-numeric value.
last-access string The date and time when the session was last accessed. It updates to the current
time when a command is issued.
last-access-numeric uint32 Unformatted last-access-numeric value.
This basetype is used by show shutdown-status on page 241.
Table 107. show-other-MC-status properties
Name Type Description
other-MC string Other MC Status
other-MC-status string The operational status of the Management Controller in the partner controller.
This is not factored into system health.
Not Communicating
Not Operational
other-MC-status-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for other-mc-status values.
1524: Not Communicating
3231: Not Operational
4749: Operational
1496: Unknown
This basetype is used by show shutdown-status on page 241.
Table 108. shutdown-status properties
Name Type Description
controller string
A : Controller A.
B : Controller B.
status string
up : The controller is operational.
down : The controller is shut down.
not installed : The controller is not installed.
396 API basetype properties