CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 120. system properties (continued)
Name Type Description
other-MC-status string The operational status of the Management Controller in the partner
controller. This is not factored into system health.
Not Operational
Not Communicating
other-MC-status- numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for other-mc-status values.
1524: Not Communicating
3231: Not Operational
4749: Operational
1496: Unknown
pfuStatus string Shows whether partner firmware update is running on the system, or is
supported-locales string Supported display languages.
current-node-wwn string Storage system node World Wide Name (WWNN).
fde-security-status string
Unsecured : The system has not been secured with a passphrase.
Secured : The system has been secured with a passphrase.
Secured, Lock Ready : The system has been secured and lock
keys have been cleared. The system will become locked after the
next power cycle.
Secured, Locked : The system is secured and the disks are
locked to data access, preventing their use.
fde-security-status-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for fde-security-status values.
1: Unsecured
2: Secured
3: Secured, Lock Ready
4: Secured, Locked
platform-type string Platform type.
platform-type-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalent for the platform-type value.
platform-brand string Active platform brand of the Management Controller firmware.
platform-brand-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalent for the platform-brand value.
redundancy-mode Embedded; see redundancy on page 381.
unhealthy-component Embedded; see unhealthy-component on page 415.
This basetype is used by show system-parameters.
Table 121. system-parameters-table properties
Name Type Description
ulp-enabled string Shows true to indicate that the system is using Unified LUN Presentation, which
can expose all LUNs through all host ports on both controllers. The interconnect
information is managed in the controller firmware. ULP appears to the host
as an active-active storage system where the host can choose any available
path to access a LUN regardless of disk group ownership. When ULP is in
use, the system's operating/cache-redundancy mode is shown as Active- Active
ULP. ULP uses the T10 Technical Committee of INCITS Asymmetric Logical
API basetype properties 407