CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 133. vdisk-statistics properties (continued)
Name Type Description
avg-read-rsp-time uint32 Average response time in microseconds for all read operations, calculated over
the interval since these statistics were last requested or reset.
avg-write-rsp-time uint32 Average response time in microseconds for all write operations, calculated over
the interval since these statistics were last requested or reset.
reset-time string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds,
when these statistics were last reset, either by a user or by a controller restart.
reset-time-numeric uint32 Unformatted reset-time value.
start-sample-time string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds,
when sampling started for the iops and bytes-per-second values.
start-sample-time- numeric uint32 Unformatted start-sample-time value.
stop-sample-time string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds,
when sampling stopped for the iops and bytes-per-second values.
stop-sample-time- numeric uint32 Unformatted stop-sample-time value.
This basetype is used by show configuration and show versions.
Table 134. versions properties
Name Type Description
sc-cpu-type string Storage Controller processor type.
bundle-version string Firmware bundle version.
bundle-base-version string Firmware bundle base version.
build-date string Firmware bundle build date.
sc-fw string Storage Controller firmware version.
sc-baselevel string Storage Controller firmware base level.
sc-memory string Storage Controller memory-controller FPGA firmware version.
sc-fu-version string Storage Controller FU processor version.
sc-loader string Storage Controller loader firmware version.
capi-version string Configuration API (CAPI) version.
mc-fw string Management Controller firmware version.
mc-loader string Management Controller loader firmware version.
mc-base-fw string Management Controller firmware base level.
fw-default-platform-brand string Default platform brand of the Management Controller firmware.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for fw-default-platform-brand values.
ec-fw string Expander Controller firmware version.
pld-rev string Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) firmware version.
prm-version string CPLD Power Reset Manager (PRM) version.
hw-rev string Controller hardware version.
API basetype properties 421