CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 136. virtual-disks properties (continued)
Name Type Description
current-job string Job running on the disk group, if any.
(blank): No job is running.
DRSC: A disk is being scrubbed.
EXPD: The disk group is being expanded.
INIT: The disk group is initializing.
RBAL: The ADAPT disk group is being rebalanced.
RCON: At least one disk in the disk group is being reconstructed.
VDRAIN: The virtual disk group is being removed and its data is being drained
to another disk group.
VPREP: The virtual disk group is being prepared for use in a virtual pool.
VRECV: The virtual disk group is being recovered to restore its membership in
the virtual pool.
VREMV: The disk group and its data are being removed.
VRFY: The disk group is being verified.
VRSC: The disk group is being scrubbed.
array-drive-type-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for array-drive-type values.
4: SAS
8: sSAS
disk-description string Disk description.
SAS: Enterprise SAS spinning disk.
SAS MDL: Midline SAS spinning disk.
SSD SAS: SAS solid-state disk.
disk-description-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for description values.
1: MIX
4: SAS
is-job-auto-abortable string
false: The current job must be manually aborted before you can delete the
disk group.
true: The current job will automatically abort if you delete the disk group.
is-job-auto-abortable-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for is-job-auto-abortable values.
0: false
1: true
serial-number string The serial number of the disk group.
blocks string The number of blocks, whose size is specified by the blocksize property.
blocks-numeric uint64 Unformatted blocks value.
disk-dsd-enable-vdisk string
Disabled: DSD is disabled for the disk group.
Enabled - all spinning: DSD is enabled for the disk group.
Partial spin-down: DSD is enabled for the disk group and its disks are
partially spun down to conserve power.
Full spin-down: DSD is enabled for the disk group and its disks are fully
spun down to conserve power.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for disk-dsd-enable-vdisk values.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled - all spinning
API basetype properties 425