CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 136. virtual-disks properties (continued)
Name Type Description
2: Partial spin-down
3: Full spin-down
disk-dsd-delay-vdisk uint32 For spinning disks, the period of inactivity after which the disks and dedicated
spares in a disk group will automatically spin down, from 1 to 360 minutes. The
value 0 means spin down is disabled.
pool-sector-format string The sector format of disks in the disk group.
512n: All disks use 512-byte native sector size. Each logical block and
physical block is 512 bytes.
512e: All disks use 512-byte emulated sector size. Each logical block is 512
bytes and each physical block is 4096 bytes. Eight logical blocks will be stored
sequentially in each physical block. Logical blocks may or may not be aligned
with physical block boundaries.
Mixed: The disk group contains a mix of 512n and 512e disks. This is
supported, but for consistent and predictable performance, do not mix disks
of different sector size types (512n, 512e).
pool-sector-format-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for pool-sector-numeric values.
0: 512n
1: 512e
3: Mixed
health string
health-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for health values.
0: OK
1: Degraded
2: Fault
3: Unknown
4: N/A
health-reason string If Health is not OK, the reason for the health state.
health-recommendation string If Health is not OK, the recommended actions to take to resolve the health issue.
unhealthy-component Embedded; see unhealthy-component on page 415.
This basetype is used by show volume-groups.
Table 137. volume-groups
Name Type Description
durable-id string Volume group ID.
group-name string The name of the volume group in the format volume-group.* , where *
represents all volumes in the group.
serial-number string The serial number of the volume group.
type string The group type, which is Volume.
type-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for type values.
426 API basetype properties