CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 139. volume-group-view-mappings properties (continued)
Name Type Description
For a host group, its name in the format host-group.*.* , where
the first * represents all hosts in the host group and the second *
represents all initiators in those hosts.
Blank if not set or for all other initiators.
host-profile string Standard: Default profile.
host-profile-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents of host-profile values.
0: Standard
lun-view Embedded; see volume-view-mappings on page 435.
This basetype is used by show volume-names.
Table 140. volume-names properties
Name Type Description
volume-name string Volume name.
serial-number string Volume serial number.
This basetype is used by show volume-reservations.
Table 141. volume-reservations
Name Type Description
volume-name string The name of the volume.
serial-number string The serial number of the volume.
reservation-active string
Free: The volume is not reserved.
Reserved: The volume has been reserved by a host.
reservation- active-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for reservation-active values.
0: Free
1: Reserved
pgr-generation uint32 The generation of the volume reservation, shown as a hexadecimal value.
host-id string
For an FC initiator, its WWPN.
For a SAS initiator, its WWPN.
For an iSCSI initiator, its node name (typically the IQN).
port string The controller host-port identifiers.
reserve-key string The reservation key, shown as a hexadecimal value.
reserve-scope string The reservation scope, Logical Unit .
reserve-scope- numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for reserve-scope values.
0: Logical Unit
reserve-type string The reservation type.
Undefined: The volume has no persistent reservations.
428 API basetype properties