CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 141. volume-reservations (continued)
Name Type Description
Write Exclusive: Write commands are only allowed for a single
reservation holder.
Exclusive Access: Certain access (read, write) commands are only
allowed for a single reservation holder.
Write Exclusive - Registrants Only: Write commands are only
allowed for registered hosts. There is a single reservation holder.
Exclusive Access - Registrants Only: Certain access (read,
write) commands are only allowed for registered hosts. There is a single
reservation holder.
Write Exclusive - All Registrants: Write commands are only
allowed for registered hosts. There is a single reservation holder.
Exclusive Access - All Registrants: Certain access (read, write)
commands are only allowed for registered hosts. There is a single reservation
reserve-type- numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for reserve-type values.
0: Undefined
1: Write Exclusive
3: Exclusive Access
5: Write Exclusive - Registrants Only
6: Exclusive Access - Registrants Only
7: Write Exclusive - All Registrants
8: Exclusive Access - All Registrants
This basetype is used by show volumes and show volume-groups.
Table 142. volumes properties
Name Type Description
durable-id string Volume ID in the format V # , where # starts at 1 and increments for each new
volume to uniquely identify it. The value is generated from available data in the
current CLI session and may change after a Management Controller restart.
url string Volume URL.
virtual-disk-name string The name of the disk group or pool that contains the volume.
storage-pool-name string The name of the disk group or pool that contains the volume.
storage-pools-url string Pool URL.
volume-name string Volume name.
size string Volume capacity, formatted to use the current base, precision, and units.
size-numeric uint64 Unformatted size value in blocks.
total-size string The total size of the volume.
total-size-numeric uint64 Unformatted total-size value in blocks.
allocated-size string The amount of space currently allocated to a virtual volume, or the total size of a
linear volume.
allocated-size-numeric uint64 Unformatted allocated-size value in blocks.
storage-type string
Linear: The volume is in a linear pool.
Virtual: The volume is in a virtual pool.
API basetype properties 429