CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 142. volumes properties (continued)
Name Type Description
On: The volume is the secondary volume in a replication set.
Numeric equivalents for cs-secondary values.
0: Off
1: On
health string Numeric equivalents for health values.
health-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for health values.
0: OK
1: Degraded
2: Fault
3: Unknown
4: N/A
health-reason string If Health is not OK, the reason for the health state.
health-recommendation string If Health is not OK, the recommended actions to take to resolve the health issue.
volume-group string If the volume is in a volume group, the name of the group. Otherwise,
group-key string If the volume is in a volume group, the durable ID of the volume group. Otherwise,
This basetype is used by show volume-statistics.
Table 143. volume-statistics properties
Name Type Description
volume-name string The name of the volume.
serial-number string The serial number of the volume.
bytes-per-second string The data transfer rate, in bytes per second, calculated over the interval since
these statistics were last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not
been requested or reset since a controller restart.
bytes-per-second-numeric uint64 Unformatted bytes-per-second value.
iops uint32 Input/output operations per second, calculated over the interval since these
statistics were last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not been
requested or reset since a controller restart.
number-of-reads uint64 The number of read operations since these statistics were last reset or since the
controller was restarted.
number-of-writes uint64 The number of write operations since these statistics were last reset or since the
controller was restarted.
data-read string The amount of data read since these statistics were last reset or since the
controller was restarted.
data-read-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-read value.
API basetype properties 433