CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 143. volume-statistics properties (continued)
Name Type Description
data-written string The amount of data written since these statistics were last reset or since the
controller was restarted.
data-written-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-written value.
allocated-pages uint32 The number of pages allocated to the volume.
percent-tier-ssd uint16 The percentage of volume capacity occupied by data in the Performance tier.
percent-tier-sas uint16 The percentage of volume capacity occupied by data in the Standard tier.
percent-tier-sata uint16 The percentage of volume capacity occupied by data in the Archive tier.
percent-allocated-rfc uint16 The percentage of volume capacity occupied by data in read cache.
pages-alloc-per-minute uint32 The average number of pages being allocated to the volume each minute.
pages-dealloc-per-minute uint32 The average number of pages being deallocated from the volume each minute.
shared-pages uint32 The number of pages that are shared between this volume and any other
volumes. This amount of storage will not be deallocated if the volume is deleted.
write-cache-hits uint64 For the controller that owns the volume, the number of times the block written to
is found in cache.
write-cache-misses uint64 For the controller that owns the volume, the number of times the block written to
is not found in cache.
read-cache-hits uint64 For the controller that owns the volume, the number of times the block to be
read is found in cache.
small-destages uint64 The number of times flush from cache to disk is not a full stripe.
full-stripe-write-destages uint64 The number of times flush from cache to disk is a full stripe.
read-ahead-operations uint64 The number of read pre-fetch or anticipatory-read operations.
write-cache-space uint16 The cache size used on behalf of this volume.
write-cache-percent uint32 The percentage of cache used on behalf of this volume.
reset-time string The date and time, in the format year-month-day
hour:minutes:seconds, when these statistics were last reset, either by a
user or by a controller restart.
reset-time-numeric uint32 Unformatted reset-time value.
start-sample-time string The date and time, in the format year-month-day
hour:minutes:seconds, when sampling started for the iops and bytes-
per-second values.
start-sample-time-numeric uint32 Unformatted start-sample-time value.
stop-sample-time string The date and time, in the format year-month-day
hour:minutes:seconds, when sampling stopped for the iops and bytes-
per-second values
stop-sample-time-numeric uint32 Unformatted stop-sample-time value.
434 API basetype properties